Send Message

Method sends a text message to a single recipient. Please note that there is a slight difference in how you send messages to WhatsApp compared to other channels like WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Telegram.






Field Type Mandatory Format Meaning
phone_number String Yes (country code)(phone number) e.g. 254722200200 Phone number to send to
text String Yes Utf8 only encoded strings The message to be sent
thread Boolean No true/false Whether the response should be in a conversation thread with the original message


The server responds with a JSON message:

Field Type Meaning
sent Boolean True or False if the image
id Integer An Identifier for the message. This is used when delivering receipts

At this stage, the message has been sent to the WhatsApp server for delivery.


If there is an error or the phone number does not exist, the server returns an error message and response code of 422.

{"error":"Contact with phone number 25470586564 does not exists"}

Other channels (WeChat, Facebook Messenger and Telegram)





Field Type Mandatory Format Meaning
external_id String Yes 123455677 User ID of the recipient*
text String Yes Utf8 only encoded strings The message to be sent
thread Boolean No true/false Whether the response should be in a conversation thread with the original message


The server responds with a JSON message:

Field Type Meaning
sent Boolean True or False if the image
id Integer An Identifier for the message. This is used when delivering receipts

At this stage, the message has been sent to the WhatsApp server for delivery.


If there is an error or the phone number does not exist, the server returns an error message and response code of 422.

{"error":"Contact with phone number 123455677 does not exists"}

*external_id is the ID of the user on their respective messaging app. This is sent to your webhook as external_contact_id when a new message is sent to it.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""