How to Send Broadcasts

Once you have created a Distribution list, you can now begin to send broadcast messages to your customers.

Please note: A broadcast can only be sent once you already have a distribution list.

1 On the main Menu to your left , click on 'Contacts'

2. Select the 'Lists' option.

You should then see a section displaying all the distribution lists you have created.

3. Click on the List you would like to broadcast to.

Then select ' Broadcast ' from the context menu that appears on your left.

e.g in our case, we selected the list ' User Manual '

Here you can see any previous broadcasts that you may have created.

4. To create a New Broadcast, simply click on the ' New Broadcast' option at the top of your page.

5. Type out your message in the dialog that appears and hit the send button.

Great, now you can view all your broadcasts from this same dashboard. Simply by following these steps: Contacts > Lists > ' Select a particular list ' > Broadcasts. What's more you can also tell the number of people who have received your message.

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